What our clients say about us
We've compiled all our reviews on this page for you to browse. All reviews are written by customers and updated in real time. If you happen to make a purchase with us and write a review when you're done, you'll see it appear here along with all the others!
"Fast service but didn't use the heroes I appointed. :(
Thanks, Helper. "

SR Boost from 3124 to 3200
"Booster did get the job done but used heroes outside the specified heroes. Heroes I never used EVER now I have 100% win rate grandmaster stats with a hero everyone in my friend list knows I never played so I'm very unhappy with that now I have to hide my stats which nobody in my list ever does"

SR Boost from 1871 to 2050
"It was slow getting any boosters to start the boost and booster used heroes not specified"

5 Placement Games Boost
"Sadly, I did not have a good experience with the order.
The aprox time for it to be complete is 6 hours, It was complete after over 48 hours.
The first booster I got was not active, ignored and didn't report his games.
I then requested a new booster because the first one could not deliver in time and wasn't answering.
The second booster was better, there for I would blame the booster himself rather then the website and their service.
Customer service was nice.
But I do NOT recommend getting carteri as your booster.
TL:DR, order aprox 6 hours wait, took over 48 hours, bad first booster, good second booster."

SR Boost from 2630 to 3000
"I’m actually not satisfied as when I won 2 of the first placement causing my mmr should be high and matchmaker me with high plat or to even diamond , which is why I bought placement as it most likely would be difficult for me , when u duoed with gold player it caused the mmr to drop im assume , which is not what I wanted. "

3 Placement Games Boost
"u did really great but the fact u duoed with that plat player causing the games to be in high plat instead of diamond its actually made me sad , ur a really good booster but i wanted u to play in high diamond or medium diamond or at least diamond games , not platinums i really hate seeing them "

2 Solo Games Boost
"Took really long to finsh "

SR Boost from 3000 to 3150
"Bad ana, aim 46%, AMAZING ...."

5 Placement Games Boost
"nice job!"

SR Boost from 2672 to 3050
"first time i have been unsatisfied i bought placements and they only won 3/5"