What our clients say about us

We've compiled all our reviews on this page for you to browse. All reviews are written by customers and updated in real time. If you happen to make a purchase with us and write a review when you're done, you'll see it appear here along with all the others!

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Showing 51-57 of 57 reviews

"first time using the duo queue and i must say the boosting was great, but i didn't really get to play the roles the i prefer or enjoy the most i kinda had to fill for them every time. which made duo queue a mediocre experience all in all it was still very quick but not really getting to play who i want is disappointing "

Overwatch rank boost
Duo Skill Rating Boost from 2402 to 2500

"slow service "

Overwatch rank boost
Skill Rating Boost from 2372 to 2550

"took a while to finished, I have to play lucio because booster asked me to... but very nice person!"

Overwatch rank boost
Duo Skill Rating Boost from 3026 to 3300

"Took a while and had 3 booster changes, but still great and reliable service."

Overwatch rank boost
Skill Rating Boost from 2168 to 2550


Overwatch rank boost
8 Duo Placement Games Boost

"cool guy who did my matches. kudos to him winning too :)"

Overwatch rank boost
1 Placement Game Boost

"I've always had great experiences, and my booster was friendly and knowledgeable. Got a little unlucky with a disconnect, 50% winrate was a little lackluster but will still come back."

Overwatch rank boost
5 Duo Games